COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Due to the current pandemic, many pianists have asked questions on how to properly disinfect their pianos and prevent the spread of viruses in schools and homes. Some of the most crucial questions include:

Can we use alcohol disinfectants to sanitize the keys? Will my piano keys get damaged if i used alcohol?

Cleaning Agents and Disinfectants

Piano Cleaning

In the National Environment Agency’s (NEA) website under Section A for Cleaning Agents and Disinfectants,

1. As the virus can survive on surfaces of different materials for at least 2 to 3 days, surfaces potentially contaminated with novel coronavirus should be sanitised.

2. An appropriate disinfectant with indication of effectiveness against coronaviruses can be used. Disinfectants should be prepared and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.

3. Bleach can be used as a disinfectant for cleaning and disinfection (dilute 1 part bleach in 49 parts water, 1000 ppm or according to manufacturer’s instructions).

Bleach solutions should be prepared fresh. Leaving the bleach solution for a contact time of at least 10 minutes is recommended.
4. Alcohol can be used to wipe down surfaces where the use of bleach is not suitable, e.g. metal.

The following advice is suitable for the disinfection of surfaces in general, but it does not consider the possible harm to musical instruments such as the piano.



Even with the above recommendations, its highly unlikely that any piano or keyboard will be virus free.

Best recommended tip:

Have anyone playing the piano to wash or sanitize their hands carefully, both before and after playing.

Also, try to wipe each key individually rather than wiping across the keyboard like the Coronavirus Etude as you may miss a few spots on the edges and corners of the keys.